Thursday, June 19, 2014

Another Audiobook Giveaway for 'June is Audiobook Month!'

As promised earlier this month, I'm having another audiobook giveaway/drawing to celebrate 'June is Audiobook Month.'  Once again, there will be two winners chosen but this time the winners will be able to select a book from my recordings.  For a list of what I currently have available check on Audible here.   To enter, just leave a comment either here -- it can be the name of the book you'd like or 'I'm in!' or just 'Hi' -- or on this post on Facebook.   Just check my Facebook page.  The entry should be open to the public: 

If you find that you're still having a problem leaving a comment to enter, just shoot me an email at LAHOWLETT (at) yahoo (dot) com

On June 30th, two names will be drawn and the winners may choose their own title from my Audible list.  Once again, I'll be employing my 'high-tech' method of slips of paper in a glass bowl and my husband, George will choose the winners.

Just like last time -- George will select the winners!

If you're looking for other giveaways and freebies for audiobook month, search for the term #audiomonth on Twitter.  This drawing runs for 10 days but some of the other offers are for a shorter term, so start searching.  There are a bunch of them out there so check it out and treat yourself!

Like to party? Hop along the Hump Day Blog Hop on Julie Valerie’s Book Blog. Click here to return to the Hump Day Blog Hop.


  1. Powder River Rose has entered. If anyone else has trouble posting a comment here to enter, please let me know.

  2. Delighted to find you through the blog hop. I love audio books - listening in the car is the only way I'm getting any reading done these days.

    1. Glad you found me, too, Pauline! And very glad that you like audiobooks! Good luck. :)

  3. Thanks for linking-up with the Hump Day Blog Hop. What a wild and crazy month you must be having for Audiobooks Month. When's the next big event for audiobooks? Any conventions, other monthly celebrations?

    1. There are conventions and conferences frequently, Julie, but they often involve travel (at least for me). However, there are also many narrators and producers who blog regularly and post videos to Youtube that range from what they're currently working on to teaching and sharing home studio tips!

      The biggest event for the year would be the Audies. They're held each year in New York city. Here's their page for more info!

      Lee Ann

  4. I'm not sure if my previous comment went through so I apologize if there are two from me -- I'd love to enter -- thanks!

    1. I only see one entry so it looks like this is the one. Good luck and thanks for entering!

  5. I'm in! I love audiobooks! Thanks, Lee Ann! :-)
