Last night marked the third time that Linda, Duane and I have seen Eilen Jewell and her band in concert at Skipper's Smokehouse. It's always nice to 'pig out' on fresh seafood at Skipper's before the entertainment. I couldn't resist their fried shrimp with hush puppies and a side of black beans and yellow rice. Dessert is always a nice way to top off dinner. All three of us decided to go for it with double chocolate cake for Duane and me and pecan pie with bourbon for Linda. Yum!
It was kind of nice that Eilen Jewell actually went on first due to some

Skipper's was packed. Many people were standing all evening but didn't seem to mind. The humidity was... well, this is Florida so it was pretty bad. Eilen commented on it since she lives in Idaho which has basically zero humidity and is very dry. She noted what the humidity does to one's hair among other things. We know, Eilen, we know... After playing Decatur, Georgia tonight, the band was heading for a European tour so it was nice that they played Skipper's.
It was a great night out and I didn't even notice any mosquitoes. They can be a real problem around here. Guess we got lucky all around. 'Til next time.