"Granny's got a gun,
Her whole world's come undone..."
My take on Aerosmith's "Janie's Got a Gun."
Some of Granny's other things. |
Well, as usual, yesterday morning was estate sale time. Duane has a horrendous cold and wasn't able to go so it was just Linda and me. We decided to hit a sale that was literally called 'Granny's Guns' in one part of town and then head to two other sales in the south part of town. Apparently, Granny had once had an antique and collectibles shop and now everything was being sold off from her home. Home turned out to be a mobile home in a mobile home park.
One of Granny's guns. |
We got there before the 9am starting time and joined a few other people under the carport. You had to take a number from a roll of tickets in order to get inside when the sale began. Bummer. The company holding the sale is known for this. They're more freaked about theft than any other estate sale company around. Some people get really ticked off and leave because this company only allows 10 people in the house at a time. When someone leaves, the next person with a ticket is allowed to go in. This wouldn't be so bad except there was plenty of room for more than 10 people in that house. When I went in, there were no other shoppers in 2 of the bedrooms I looked through. Plus, you have people who either forget or don't care that there are people waiting to get in and start talking and just hanging around. Sheesh. This sale turned out to be a big time suck. Because of the amount of time Linda and I spent waiting to get in, we had a lot less time to make it to the next sale when it began at 10am.
Another gun. |
Neither of us found anything to buy at Granny's and when we finally left (we weren't allowed into the house at the same time - ack!), it was already 10am. We could have been in and out of Granny's in less than half an hour if we hadn't had to wait. There were a number of men there strictly to see/purchase the guns. Most of them were, um, rather portly which didn't help when you wanted to get into a small area of tables and they were standing and talking to each other. An abrupt 'excuse me' got me into an area with tables when one of them moved. However, I had to 'excuse me' again in order to get back out.
And one last gun. |
Bet the people waiting outside would have been livid to see this behavior. We've decided that we will be very picky when deciding whether to attend any more sales by this company. The sale would have to be HUGE with nothing else going on. Double sheesh.
We were late getting to the 10am sale. We pulled up around 10:30 and it was packed. Very large house with lots of nice things, though. Neither of us bought but it was definitely worth the look. Wonder what we missed by being so late. Grrrr...
A room from the second sale. |
We finally hit the last sale which was in a house directly across from the bay. This was the second day of the sale at this house and they still had a lot of great stuff despite having unloaded so much. The woman who lived there had been an artist and not only were there framed pieces of her art around (along with a table full of water colors and sketches that she either hadn't gotten around to framing or hadn't finished) but also very nice pieces from other artists. Lots of gorgeous furniture, too.
Luckily, she turned out to be a crafty person who knitted and crocheted. I bought 3 sets of plastic knitting needles (I love working with plastic and don't care for metal very much) along with
Sale no.3. Signed Escher print. |
a beautiful all wood abacus. When I paid, the women in charge of the sale told us to let people know that they had a lot of furniture they still needed to sell. Nice stuff, too, but neither of us was in the market for furniture. The pic I've included from this sale is one of the original ones from the ad. Wish we'd made it there when they had more of these types of items available.
By the time we left the last sale, it wasn't our usual 'let's get coffee/tea and a snack' time -- it was lunch time. Linda and I had a nice leisurely lunch at Panera's. I was the only one who got lucky and purchased anything but we always enjoy the hunt. EXCEPT when we lose precious time due to a poorly executed sale. Grrr...
Hopefully, Duane will be well enough to go with us next time. We missed her.
My purchases. |