My buddies Linda and Duane and I have a box ready to ship to
The Humble Stitch Project this week. We have caps, scarves, fingerless gloves and squares for
Knit-A-Square to be made into blankets. You can find out more about both projects by clicking on the titles. We also have a nice selection of extra skeins of wool and acrylic yarn that we're sending for other stitchers to use to help out.
I'm particularly proud of my first broomstick lace scarf. It was really fun to make and I plan to make more of them. I chose a pretty mocha brown for this one and made it approx. 6 feet long. I may make the next one a little wider so that I won't need to make it quite as long. I just wanted to make sure that it would be warm enough for the lady who wears it. I looked at a number of sites while trying to learn how to work with this stitch. The best instructions I found were at this site:
Speckless by Heidi Hengel. She has her own wood 'pins' that she uses to make her lace. I used a size 35 wood knitting needle to make my lace. Heidi's easy to follow steps, complete with pictures, really helped me and I wanted to point anyone her way who might like to learn this stitch. So pretty!
Now, for something completely different, I attended my niece Ava's 6th birthday party last Sunday and, as usual, my sister Carol (Ava's mother) pulled out all of the stops. The theme was 'A Fashion Show' and the guests, along with Ava, modeled outfits on a runway built by Ava's dad and a friend. Carol made all of the decorations and the food including the fashion doll cake and the cupcakes.
The tables set for the party. | | |
Cake and cupcakes |
Included in the activities, before the 'fashion show' began, Carol had set up three different 'stations' for girls to 1) have their nails painted, 2) have makeup applied and 3) have their hair styled by three lovely girls who were all part of 'Salon Ava' -- yes, my sister actually embroidered that on their aprons with her sewing machine.
Ava having her hair 'done' at the hair station. |
A guest having her nails painted. |
There were also tables set up with flower shaped sandwiches and cheese doodles for the party-goers to have for lunch. And, there was a candy table with tiny cardboard purses for each girl to fill as she liked with the various candies on the table.
The 'fill-your-purse' candy table. |
Ava's big brothers, my nephews Sam and Ben, were able to make it home from college to attend the party. Sam also served as 'emcee' for the fashion show. He entertained us with a little Bobby Darin while we were waiting for the girls to start coming out.
Big Brother Sam as Emcee |
Ava's Runway Sign | |
Ava's entrance. |
Ava posing. |
One of the guests strutting her stuff. |
Finally! Time for cake and cupcakes. |
Ava opening presents. |
Mommy helping Ava read the cards. |
Big Brother Ben wondering, 'How did I get here?' |
As usual, the kids had a great time and took pink or purple gown shaped plastic bottles filled with candy and small toys home as party favors. Carol never does anything half-way. I was so tired, it's taken me a week just to blog about it. Heh, heh, heh. I wonder what Carol has planned for Ava's 7th birthday...