Monday, June 26, 2017
A New Free Production from The Online Stage on The Internet Archive!
A new free production from The Online Stage just went live on The Internet Archive. The Riding to Lithend by Gordon Bottomley is a one-act play in which I got to play an old hag named Jofrid. As usual, this was a full-cast production and we had a lot of fun with the various parts. The story is set in Iceland in the 10th century A.D.
The play is hosted on The Internet Archive and can be streamed or downloaded from here.
Thursday, June 8, 2017
June is Audiobook Month 2017! Giveaways!
OK! It's one of my favorite times of the year! June is Audiobook Month and I always have a giveaway right here on my blog. Yes, it's a little late being posted this year but I had a good reason. I was in New York for the annual Audio Publishers Conference (APAC). Had a great time mingling with other narrators, publishers, and tech people. Linda has been my proof-listener for several years and she flew from Detroit to take part, too. We also added an extra couple of days to see a little of New York City. I hadn't been since I was a kid and Linda visited in her twenties but didn't get to see much at the time. I think we made up for it and we have the 'barking dogs' (feet) to prove it!
Enough about my delay in posting. I'm offering a chance for 5 people to win one of my audiobooks of their choice. All you have to do is leave a comment below. It helps to have some way to reach you -- either through your blog (if you have one) or via Goodreads or Facebook. You can also enter your email address like this (using mine as an example) -- LAHOWLETT (at) yahoo (dot) com.
I'm going to advertise the drawing on Twitter, Goodreads, and Facebook, too! Tell your friends.
Here's a list of my current books available via Audible. If you're one of the 5 people who wins the drawing, you can make your selection from here.
Good luck and you can check for other audiobook giveaways this month by searching Twitter and Google for these hashtags: #loveaudiobooks #JIAM #JIAM2017
A little piece of New York for you. I took this from the Empire State Building.